義烏工商職業(yè)技術學院(簡稱義烏工商學院)坐落在國際性商貿名城義烏市,是一所工商貿易學科優(yōu)勢較強的公辦全日制普通高等院校。學院前身是創(chuàng)辦于 1993 年的
杭州大學義烏分校,院長由王珉教授擔任。 學院地處義烏城區(qū),依山傍水,占地 1000 余畝,建筑面積 23.9 萬平方米。秀麗的自然景色,獨特的建筑風格和莊重的人文景觀融為一體,是一所優(yōu)美的山水園林式大學。學院目前有正式教職工334名,全日制中外學生約8800 余人,非全日制學員 1000 余人。學院下設人文管理、機電信息、經(jīng)濟管理、外語外貿、建筑藝術5個分院,共有25個專業(yè),并辦有自考學院,浙大、
西安交大、復旦大學遠程教育義烏教育中心和成人教育函授點。學院十分注重師資建設,目前有 157名中青年教師在攻讀博士、碩士學位。學院教學實驗設施精良,已建成實驗室和實訓基地包括計算機實訓中心、商貿實訓中心、印刷實訓中心、工業(yè)實訓中心、土木實訓中心、藝術設計實訓中心、數(shù)字化語音實訓室、公共機房等,共有69個分室,并建有“小商品城會展中心” 、“義烏國際物流中心”、“ 義烏建筑設計院”等校外實踐基地43個。學院圖書館藏書 68 萬冊,期刊950種,配有先進的電子閱覽室。學生生活設施齊全,直撥電話、有線電視、寬帶網(wǎng)進駐學生公寓。 學院以“ 面向市場 面向學生 面向實踐”為人才培養(yǎng)原則,依托中國小商品城和義烏眾多知名企業(yè),堅持開放式辦學,以發(fā)展為主題,以改革為動力,走質量、規(guī)模、結構和效益等協(xié)調發(fā)展的道路,致力于培養(yǎng)德智體全面發(fā)展的、具有業(yè)務拓展水平和實踐能力的高素質應用型人才,教育質量優(yōu)良,在社會上贏得廣泛贊譽。學院已連續(xù)十四年在全省普通高校非計算機專業(yè)計算機等級考試中名列榜首;在浙江省首屆高職高專院校“挑戰(zhàn)杯”創(chuàng)新創(chuàng)業(yè)競賽上,“義烏聯(lián)合咨訊網(wǎng)”項目獲特等獎,在首屆“創(chuàng)業(yè)浙江”——創(chuàng)業(yè)創(chuàng)新項目競賽中,騏華工業(yè)資源(環(huán)保行業(yè))獲得了初創(chuàng)型項目銀獎;學院鼓勵學生參加勤工助學活動,60% 的在校生生活費用自理,學生在勤工助學活動中一年創(chuàng)收2500多萬元;學院畢業(yè)生供不應求,初次就業(yè)率連年保持在 98% 以上。《人民日報》、《中國教育報》、《中國青年報》、中央電視臺、浙江電視臺等多家媒體相繼對學院的辦學特色和教學成就作了專題報道。 目前,學院各項事業(yè)正處于蓬勃發(fā)展時期,全院師生信心滿懷,為把學院建設成全國一流高職院校而努力奮斗。 Yiwu Industrial and Commercial College(YWICC), grown out of Yiwu Branch of Hangzhou University (founded in 1993), is the earliest higher vocational college run by the government at county level. With the approval of Zhejiang provincial government, the preparation for its construction began in July, 1997, and in May, 2002, its establishment was officially declared by Yiwu government after acceptance. YWICC, situated in Yiwu city—known as China Commodity City in mid-western Zhejiang Province, covers an area of 160 acres and boasts the building floorage of more than 239,000 square meters. Owing to its beautiful scenery, it won the title of “picturesque campus”. YWICC boasts more than 8800 full-time students and more than 1000 part-time students, 283 professional teachers, associate professors and professors. YWICC provides a wide range of education covering business management, computer science, civil engineering, modern secretarial literature, economics, tourism, art design and foreign languages with the number of specialties reaching 23. The college also attacks great importance to the continued education for adults. Developing both full-time and part-time education, the continued education for adults (mainly Yiwu Trade Professional Institute and Yiwu Teaching Station of Long-distance Learning School of Zhejiang University) fully takes advantage of abundant teaching resources and good teaching facilities of YWICC and has been developing rapidly in recent years.YWICC is determined to promote its international exchanges and cooperation through every possible means. She is making greater efforts to gather international talents, to introduce advanced teaching ideas and administrative experiences and to absorb funds, facilities and academic materials from abroad. Yiwu Industrial and Commercial College will take on a new looking in the beautiful international commodity city!