每天早晨這位仆人修剪燈芯,添加燈油。 The servant trims the lamp every morning.
石膏灰泥板,灰膠紙柏板由石膏灰泥作芯板結合幾層纖維板或紙漿板制成的硬板,在建筑中用于代替灰泥或木板來建造墻壁 A rigid board made of layers of fiberboard or paper bonded to a gypsum plaster core, used instead of plaster or wood panels in construction to form walls.
這些大木材,表面上看被煙熏得黑黑的,有些地方被蟲蛀了,爛了,但內芯卻是十分堅硬的。 The great timbers, darkened now by smoke, wormed in places, looking rotten on the surface, but hard in the core, hard as iron.