Such deblur methods can also be used in other applications, such as underwater image system and target detection in water.
The theory of light and image transmission in seawater with the research of underwater blurry images restoration are combined and obtain a convenient method to measure the spread function of seawater and process underwater images.
該文將海水中圖象傳輸特性的研究與用此傳輸特性進(jìn)行水下模糊圖象恢復(fù)結(jié)合起來 ,得到一套測量水體傳遞函數(shù)及進(jìn)行水下圖象處理的方法。
Research on Underwater Image Pre-Processing Based on Entropy and Recognition of Underwater Object;
For the underwater image of swimming pool, its S/N is low and the edge is fuzzy.
To overcome the shortcomings of traditional methods, a method of underwater image segmentation based on the discrete fractional Brownian random field was proposed to dispose underwater images.
Edge extraction of underwater images based on wavelet transform;
The max-entropy method is widely used in the image segmentation of underwater images.
From the UP-DOWN schema to the HIERARCHY schema ——The mappings of locative relations onto the linguistic world;