這個(gè)被指控犯有縱火罪的男人在初審時(shí)被判罪名成立,他的律師當(dāng)庭提出異議。 In the first trial of the man accused of arson, who was found guilty, his counsel filed a bill of exceptions.
狄克是個(gè)慣偷,但他將罪證掩蔽得很好,結(jié)果沒有被判罪。 Dick was a habitual thief but he had covered his tracks too well to be convicted.
每當(dāng)談到我開車違章判罪問題時(shí),我妻子忍不住要以此事當(dāng)面責(zé)備我。 Every time the subject of my motoring conviction comes up my wife can't help throwing it in my face.